About Us
The Child Care Council of Orange County
Child Care Council of Orange County, Inc., purpose is to coordinate, assist, strengthen, and expand child care in Orange County for all children.
As a Child Care Resource and Referral Agency, the Council is a partner in state and national activities and a leader in local initiatives to bring about accessible, affordable, quality Child Care and Early Learning Services.
We respond to the needs of parents and providers and provide caring and professional technical assistance, information, and resources to meet Child Care and Learning needs.
We appreciate the diversity of children, parents, providers and the community and recognize their knowledge, experience and choices.
We promote innovative and effective resources that will have a positive impact on high quality Child Care and Early Learning.
The Child Care Council of Orange County, Inc. was organized as a Non-Profit Corporation in 1971. The Council was organized to coordinate, assist and promote day care services in Orange County. Original funding came from RECAP (Regional Economic Community Action Program) and services were referrals to parents and training of child care center staff. In 1978 reduced funding to RECAP caused us to lose our funding. Via a group of center directors, we tried working with parents needing child care and to hold trainings at each other’s site to maintain staff development for about five years.
Through the 1980’s we accessed funding of discretionary funds from one of our Assemblywomen and hired a director to continue parent referrals, were a resource for Work Family Directions parent referrals, became a sponsor of CACFP (Child Adult Care Food Program) and hired another staff person. About then the County started to certify Family Day Care Providers and we were given funding to train providers. With the 1990’s we became stronger, hired additional staff and were awarded the CCR&R (Child Care Resource and Referral) contract from NYS DSS (Department of Social Services) and in 1994 were given the Registrar contract by Orange County.
Today we continue all of the above services under contracts from NYS OCFS (Office of Children and Family Services – www.ocfs.state.ny.us) , USDA NYS DOH CACFP (United States Department of Agriculture, Department of Health – www.fns.usda.gov/cnd/care), Orange County DSS (Department of Social Services), and Professional Development Program (http://www.ecetp.pdp.albany.edu/).